Using the Store Credit Payment Option
When staff users are purchasing on a customer's behalf, if that customer has a store credit on their account, a reminder of the credit available as well as an option to apply those credits to the current purchase will appear.
Note: This option only appears for staff users during checkout. Currently, non-staff users cannot access this option.
Note: This option will only appear during checkout if the Credit payment method is enabled in your system. For more, see Setting up Payment Methods in the Business Unit
To apply store credits during checkout:
On the checkout screen under Payment Options, click Apply Credits.
The Credit Amount field reflects the amount of credit to be put towards the current charge. If the customer's credit is sufficient to cover the entire balance, the balance will appear in this field. If the credit is not sufficient, then the amount of funds available to credit will appear.
If the customer has multiple different orders credited to their account, those will be listed by the option to Select Specific Credits to Apply or Skip to Auto-Apply. Use this option to subtract from a particular credit, or if it does not matter you can skip this option.
If the credit being put toward the balance meets the amount of the balance, the Payment Amount field will appear as "0," indicating that no additional payment is required to complete the purchase. If a balance remains, specify the payment method to be applied to the remaining balance.
Proceed with the remainder of the checkout process.